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Latest Sitecore 10.3 CMS Interview Questions

What are Caching Options?

Caching options to the renderings Sitecore caches output:
The options are:
Cacheable: Specifies if Sitecore caches the rendering or not. Clear on Index Update: Sitecore clears the cache when it updates the content search index. This is important if your Sitecore instance uses HTML caching for renderings, controls, or sub-layouts that contain code, and this code depends on an index. For more information, see Index-dependent HTML caching.
Vary by Data: Sitecore caches output based on the item accessed. This is useful when content is highly consistent, for example: headers and footers.
Vary by Device: Sitecore caches output for each device separately.
Vary by Login: Sitecore caches two copies of the output: one for authenticated users, and one for unauthenticated users.
Vary by Parameters: Sitecore caches output for each parameter the rendering accepts.
Vary by Query String: Sitecore caches output for each unique combination of query string parameters.
Vary by User: Sitecore caches output for each authenticated user.

Sitecore has two separate forms of drop-down search fields available.

Drop List data form also stores the string value of the item chosen by the content editor, while

Drop Link stores the GUID of the item chosen by the content editor.

What is pipeline & Processors?

Pipelines are one of Sitecore’s essential integration concepts. They are used to extend existing functionality, and to allow custom functionality to be extended in the future.
Pipelines describe a sequence of processors that perform various functions, such as handling page requests, uploading data, and saving items via the UI.
Each stage of the pipeline is called a ‘processor.’ The sequence of processors in the pipeline is specified in the .config file. Each processor includes a specific operation, and all of these steps together create a pipeline.

under configuration/sitecore/pipelines in .config pipeline defines Sitecore context.


Sitecore 9.x and Sitecore 10.x,Azure%20Kubernetes%20Service%20(AKS).

Difference between Sitecore 9 and Sitecore 10

Sitecore 9:-

  • Support for Containers
  • Headless JavaScript apps JSS + SXA
  • Horizon Editor (Sitecore 9.3) limited functionality
  • Serialization with the Rainbow Library
  • Azure Search Engine
  • No personalization rules in the Email Experience Manager
  • No segmentation for analytics reports

Sitecore 10:-

  • Out-of-the-box containerization
  • Headless services based on .NET Core
  • Horizon Editor extended functionality
  • Serialization with Command Line Interface(CLI)
  • Solr search platform
  • Personalization rules in the Email Experience Manager
  • Segmentation filter for analytics reports

Language Fallback

Language Hierarchy:
For the proper functioning of Language Fallback, it is necessary to define the hierarchy according to which language versions will be processed if Language Fallback is applied.
In /sitecore/system/Languages, it is necessary to select a language on the language item in the Fallback Language field, from which the content will be taken over, if it does not exist in the given language.
One language can have one Fallback Language.

What are items in Sitecore?

An item is a record in the database, which is an essential structure square of a Sitecore Site.
An item may describe any data, for example, a bit of content, a media record, a format, and so on.
Items consistently have a name and ID that exceptionally recognizes the item inside the database.

Main databases are associated with Sitecore.

Following three databases are associated with Sitecore:
1. Master: It is known as the content management development database. It is the database where we create websites and its related contents.
2. Core: The Core Database is the foundation of the Sitecore application, The core database consists of all Sitecore frameworks that mean Page Editor, Content Editor, Desktop Mode, and many more.
3. Web: Web Database is a subset of the Master Database. It is known as live database from where end user getting content to see. We publish data from master database.

What is Template & its types of templates in Sitecore?

A template is an item that defines both the structure and behavior of other items. Template is defined by section, fields and field types. Every item in sitecore is made of sitecore template.
1. Data Template
2. Branch Template
3. Command Template

What is standard value in Sitecore?

Standard values is default or fallback value in template item.
When we create template in sitecore, then to keep default and insert option in item we use to create standard values for template.
Use of Standard values:
1. We can put default or fallback value.
2. We can put insert of options
3. If it is page template item, we can define shared presentations details.
4. We can define or configure workflow.

What is versioning in Sitecore?

Creations of multiple versions on same item or language in sitecore is called versioning.
Item Version: An item can have multiple versions of same item.
Language version: An item can have multiple language version.

What is Sitecore publishing & its types of publishing?

Publishing: – Moving new created item from master to web database using publish is known as publishing in Sitecore.

Types: –
Republish: – It is type of publishing, which publishing everything whether changed or not from master to web database.
Smart publish: It is type of publishing which publish only changed or modified & new created item from master to web database.
Incremental Publish: It publishes everything presenting publishing queue from master to web database.

What are events in Sitecore?

Events in Sitecore are similar to events in other systems: something triggers an event and there are handlers that are configured to handle the event.
Event handlers are similar to pipelines in how they are configured. An event handler is a .NET class that implements a method. When an event is triggered, the event handlers are run in order.
Event handlers are defined in Sitecore patch files.


How to make complex field types editable in sitecore?

Multilist, Multilist with Search, Treelist or TreelistEx), Checkbox, Droplink or Droplist are complex type field.

To make editable follow the below:
Switch to Core database, open the Content Editor and locate this item – /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Custom Experience Buttons.
Create an item Edit List of template type – /sitecore/templates/System/WebEdit/Field Editor Button.
Enter appropriate values for the Header, Icon & Tooltip fields. For the field which says – “Fields – pipe-separated list of…“, enter the exact name of your complex type field.

Switch to Master database and browse the CMS tree to locate the related rendering.
Select the custom editor button in the Custom Experience Buttons field, add the button you have created.


What are Pipelines in Sitecore?

Pipelines are one of Sitecore’s essential integration concepts. They are used to extend existing functionality.
A pipeline is basically a method whose flow is defined using XML. A pipeline consists of a sequence of processors. A processor is a .NET class that implements a method. When a pipeline is invoked, the processors are run in order.
Some common Pipelines:
. initialize: Runs when the IIS application pool is started. Processors handle initialization tasks that need to run once.
. httpRequestBegin: Handles the HTTP request. This includes tasks such as resolving the context item, device and presentation settings.
. insertRenderings: Determines the presentation components to include when rendering an item.
. renderField: Runs when the FieldRenderer is used to render a field value.

How Solr search Works?

SOLR is designed to provide fast search results, even with large amounts of data. Solr provides more advanced search features, such as full text search, faceted search, fuzzy search, boost and stemming.
Solr Search engine converts sitecore items to indexes and then to its cores.
We add solr search connection in connection config.,for%20more%20quickly%20and%20easily.

What is Sitecore Managed Cloud?

Sitecore Managed Cloud service actively hosts, monitors, manages, and maintains the installation of Sitecore Experience Platform™(XP) and Sitecore Experience Manager®(XM) while you focus on achieving results faster with the highest security and brand reliability, enabling you to:

Managed & IAAS & PAAS

Managed Service: A managed service provider (MSP) offers end-to-end management of IT services, including hardware, software, and network infrastructure. This includes monitoring and maintenance, security, and troubleshooting. The provider assumes responsibility for the underlying infrastructure and handles the day-to-day tasks required to keep it running smoothly.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS is a cloud computing model where the provider provides virtualized computing resources, including storage, processing power, and network infrastructure, over the internet. The customer is responsible for configuring and managing the operating systems, middleware, and applications.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS is a cloud computing model where the provider offers a platform for customers to develop, run, and manage their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. The provider manages the infrastructure, including servers, storage, and network components, and the customer is responsible for developing, deploying, and maintaining the applications.

Creating a custom Sitecore Forms index

Create a new Solr core

We can create a new Solr core by duplicating an existing Sitecore Solr core.

. Navigate to C:\\server\solr and duplicate the _master_index folder.

. Change the name to, for example, _forms_index.

. Navigate to C:\\server\solr\_forms_index , open and update the core name to the name you used in the previous step.

Create an index configuration file

To create a custom index configuration file:

Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\App_Config\Include\ and create a new text file.

Save the text file with a relevant file name and .config extension (for example, sitecore_forms_index.config).

Ensure that the config file includes the following:

. General information about the index (the index name, the Solr core it is associated with, and the type). The following example references Sitecore.ContentSearch.Solr.Index.Master.config:

. The crawler root. The following example is set to the Forms folder and Template folder:

. To rebuild the indexes the first time, you must include the AddIncludedField section, which adds the field to the index.

. Now you can select the custom index in the Indexing Manager dialog box


What is horizontal scaling and vertical scaling?

The primary difference between horizontal scaling and vertical scaling is that horizontal scaling involves adding more machines or nodes to a system, while vertical scaling involves adding more power (CPU, RAM, storage, etc.) to an existing machine.


What is shared and unversioned fields?

Shared: When this checkbox is selected, the field has the same value for every numbered version in all supported languages. When the Shared property is set, changes to the field value in any language or numbered version of the item will be reflected in all the other language versions and numbered versions.

Unversioned: When this checkbox is selected, the field has the same value for every numbered version within a language, but may have different values between languages. Unversioned fields are similar to shared fields, but the system can maintain different field values for different languages. In other words, the field is the same, no matter the version; the field depends only on language.

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